Parental & Guardian Proxy Access for Children Aged 12-16

NHS England states that: 'A person with parental responsibility will usually be entitled to access the records of a child who is aged 11 or younger.

Children aged 12 or older are usually considered to have the capacity to give or refuse consent to parents requesting access to their health records, unless there is a reason to suggest otherwise.

Although British Medical Association guidance says that every reasonable effort must be made to encourage the child to involve parents or guardians.'

We recognise that many parents still support their children's healthcare requirements and review of healthcare records between the age of 12 and 16. Therefore, we request that families download and complete the organisations proxy access policy which includes a form to be submitted to the surgery to allow this to occur if the patient (i.e. child) consents. 

A copy of the form may also be picked up from the surgery.

Healthcare Records

A healthcare record may include but is not limited to:

- the treatments you have received,

- whether you have any allergies,

- whether you’re currently taking medication,

- whether you have previously had any adverse reactions to certain medications,

- whether you have any chronic (long-lasting) health conditions, such as diabetes or asthma,

- the results of any health tests you have had, such as blood pressure tests,

- any lifestyle information that may be clinically relevant, such as whether you smoke, and

- personal information, such as your age and address.

Policy & Form

For any questions, please contact your registered surgery in the first instance.